Shane Herd التطبيقات

D&D 4.0 Character Sheet 2.2
Shane Herd
Imagine you had just escaped from a prisoncell. You have no armor and no weapons (now take time torecalculate your AC and attack roles). You bare-hand fight your waythrough the guards to the armory and you get all of your gear back.You put your armor back on and equip your trusty weapon (take thetime to recalculate your AC and attack roles AGAIN). Now you’re onyour way trying to get out of the prison and you go through aseries of encounters, each of which you have used different powers.You’re finally at the front door and the main boss is blocking yourway. You engage him and just as you are about to attack, you can’tremember if you’ve already used the daily power that you want touse. Was that checkmark next to the power from this day, or did youforget to erase it when I took your last extended rest?Dungeons and Dragons requires a lot of different calculations bemade for each power, and the modifiers keep changing based on whatequipment you are wearing and what status effects are afflictingyour character. This app does a lot of the work for you. With thisapp, you can create multiple characters, weapons, implements,armor, gear, powers, and feats. Based on how you create the items,the app will add the modifiers to the attack and damage roles. Youcan quickly equip / unequip items and all of the values will changeautomatically based on your new equipment. Whenever you use apower, the power will be removed from the list of usable powersuntil you end the encounter or take an extended rest. Your healthvalues and healing surges are also refreshed when you take anextended rest.With this app, you will be able to focus more on the game ratherthan on keeping up to date with all of your characters’ stats. Withfewer interruptions, you will be able to feel more like you areactually in the action and will be able to feel what your characteris actually going through. You will be able to make better, morerealistic decisions that your character would actually make and thegame will be more fun because of it.This is just a beta version of the app and many updates areforthcoming. If you have any suggestions, please write a reviewwith what you think could be changed, fixed, or added. Some plannedupdates are the following:- attaching At-Will, Encounter, and Daily powers to weapons,implements, armor, and gear which show up in yourpowers list whenever the item is equipped- adding rituals / spellbooks to the list of powers- ability to send private messages to other players on the sameWi-Fi networkAll calculations and auto-filled information about characterclasses, races, and equipment are from the Dungeons and Dragons 4.0Player’s Handbook. (1)(1) Heinsoo, Rob, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt. Dungeons &dragons player's handbook: arcane, divine, and martial heroes :roleplaying game core rules. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast,2008. Print.
Checklist 4
Shane Herd
Have you ever been putting together a listofimportant things to do or things that you needed to get? Haveyouever been at the grocery store and forgot your pen to crossitemsoff with? You can stop worrying when you download this app.This app allows you to create as many lists as you want. Youcanmanage your lists, view them and check off individual items,reuselists, and duplicate them. After the list is created, you canstillmake changes to them. Items in the list can be reordered withasimple click of a button.
Squire - Character Manager Pro
Shane Herd
Role-playing character manager that automatically calculates allmodifiers.
Squire - Character Manager
Shane Herd
Role-playing character manager that automatically calculates allmodifiers.